Month: July 2015

Excess Lead Levels in Water


Water is important to our health. Though most of the world is covered by water (sea), only a fraction of water is suitable for drinking purpose. Governments have been sourcing water from lakes, dams, streams, wells and other fresh water sources. The water we receive through taps undergoes various levels of purification before it reaches our home. We always believe that the water we receive is safe and healthy. However, there are some exceptions, which can happen in well developed in countries like U.S.

One recent example is the excess level of lead found in the water supplied to the people of Flint in Michigan. Recently, Flint, Michigan has decided to source water from Flint River, which proved to be too costly for the citizens of Flint. The water level contained lead in an alarming level that mayor went to declare a state of emergency. Lead is very dangerous to health if consumed even in the slightest of excess levels. The department of health has urged the city residents to use the filters to reduce the lead levels in the drinking water. Though the new water contains chemicals to remove the lead from the water, it will take many days to reach the effect. The city has a plan of drawing water from Port Huron Lake through pipeline should be completed in the forthcoming days. The city also has sought emergency fund to treat the children, who are exposed to the lead. Blood tests conducted on various children in Flint confirmed the exposure of high level of lead.

Lead can affect the nervous system and can cause problems in long term. Moreover, the lead will hide inside the born and cannot be removed through medicine. This can result in health problem in the later stage of the life. Some of the health problems found in children due to lead exposure are brain swelling, anxiety, anemia, cognitive impairment, etc.

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