Trump Is Becoming ISIS’s Best Recruiter, Says Hilary

Hilary Clinton, the secretary of state, took a hard stand against the GOP front-runner Donald stating that he is one of the powerful and potent tools for ISIS. In fact, he is becoming a very good recruiter for the needs of ISIS. She also added that the radical jihadists are being recruited by showing the videos of Trump insulting Muslims and Islam in his speech. This open statement was provided by Hilary in the Democratic debate. Still, Hilary did not provide any strong proof supporting her statement. There are news agencies that have reached out to campaigns of Trump and Hilary in order to know their comment about this particular issue. She was then asked about her take on the gun control.
She used the opportunity to bash Donald stating that the wrong button is pushed in order to control the fight against ISIS. She also added that the rhetoric coming from the Republicans are worrying as Trump has sent a message to the Muslims in the world and America a clash of civilization is there i.e. some sort of war against Islam or western plot is going on. This clearly provides the fan to the radicalization flames which is clearly not advisable at any cost. She also stated that she does not believe in arming more Americans in order to rise against terrorism as this will not make the citizens feel safe. Guns are not the right solution to save people. In fact, around 33,000 people are attacked and dead because of the gun violence every year.
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